Time, Space & Sea
I had the absolute rare pleasure this weekend of a free house and no body to look after except myself. It is AMAZING what you can get done in 2 days when you only have yourself to please and look after! So what did I do with this precious time and space? Well I kicked off with what has become a beautiful Friday night ritual for me - we are so lucky to have a weekly night visit from a travelling sauna. The sauna parks on a nearby pier giving us instant access to the cold Atlantic ocean to cool down in. I can’t imagine my Friday nights without this ritual now - as we head deeper into winter the darkness is becoming a part of the ritual and sometimes you can catch a glimpse of the bioluminescence sparkling as you swim and other times the moon comes out to keep us company and lighten the way.
I happily took over the kitchen table to begin work on grounds for future images - my studio is so tiny that it was a total treat to be able to spread my work out all over the table (and floor and any other available surfaces)
It has been raining non stop here in West Cork (and most of Ireland I think) for the last couple of weeks but on Saturday there was a very welcome break in the weather and even some blue skies. I took full advantage and went for a dip in the sea followed by a walk to warm up - I absolutely love the colours here this time of year - they are definitely a big influence on my paintings.
I then made some tiny art from offcuts of wood from my woodwork class (I’m doing a beginners course and it’s so much fun… more on that when I actually have something that I made - not quite there yet!)
Then it’s back to my small studio on Sunday to take full advantage of my time and work on some new pieces - Time, Space and Sea - such treasures.