Turmeric alcohol ink
This is quite an easy ink to make - no cooking required!
This is all you need to make turmeric alcohol ink
Turmeric alcohol INK RECIPE
3 tablespoons of turmeric powder
400mms Isopropyl Alcohol (99.9%)
Place ingredients in a clean glass jar or bottle
Leave overnight
Shake vigorously to mix the ingredients
Strain the mixture through a coffee filter, muslin cloth or tights
Strain the mixture through a coffee filter into a glass bottle or jar
Alcohol inks can react in an interesting way with water based inks - they can push them around on a page and won’t mix very well - I think this is a great attribute to experiment with… I’m only getting started!
Turmeric alcohol ink mixed with copper water
Detail of turmeric alcohol ink mixed with black quink ink and avocado ink