Pink flowered Botanical Ink

I think these may be called Lesser Knotweed (if I have identified them correctly from this amazing website of Irish Wildflowers) I came across an abundance of them close to Lough Hyne in West Cork and decided to try and make a botanical ink out of them.

basic botanical INK RECIPE


  • Dried flower petals

  • Water


  1. Pick the petals from the flowers

  2. Leave to dry over a few days

  3. Add boiling water

  4. Leave to steep over 3 days

  5. Strained mixture through a coffee filter

Leaving the plucked petals to dry over a few days

Once the petals have dried, place them in a clean glass  container and add enough boiling water to cover them completely and leave to soak over several days.

Strain the liquid through a coffee filter to separate the liquid from the petals.

TOTAL FAILURE!!! Once I had separated the 'ink' from the petals it became apparent that there was  little to no colour to this ink in spite of the fact that the liquid looked a promising vibrant pinky red colour. You can just about make out the marks on the paper to the left of the filtered liquid - they can't all work out I guess!


Japanese walnut ink


Hawthorn berry ink